- Russian team -
(supported by Russian Science Fundation grant no. 20-42-04418)
Prinipal investigator: (supported by Russian Science Fundation grant no. 20-42-04418)
Lev Zelenyi, Prof., DSc, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific advisor of the IKI RAS board of directors
Helmi Malova, DSc, leading researcher at the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Elena Grigorenko, DSc, leading researcher at IKI RAS
Olga Khabarova, PhD, leading researcher at IZMIRAN
associated specialists and young researchers:
Roman Kislov,
PhD, associate researcher at IKI RAS
Andrei Malykhin, PhD student and associate researcher at IKI RAS
Olga Tsareva, associate researcher at IKI RAS
Parkhomenko (Zhukova), PhD student and associate researcher at IKI RAS
Makar Leonenko, student at Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology, and laboratory assistant at IKI RAS
Prinipal investigator:
Jörg Büchner, Dr., Prof. at
co-investigators and young researchers:
Eduard Dubinin, Dr., researcher at Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research and TU Berlin
Patricio Munoz, PhD, researcher, postdoc at TU Berlin
Neeraj Jain, PhD, researcher at TU Berlin
Amir Chatraee, graduate student at TU Berlin